Green Card Through Registry: Obtaining Permanent Residency

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Dreams of living and working in the United States have enticed countless individuals worldwide. The allure of opportunities, stability, and diversity has led to the creation of various pathways to obtaining a lawful permanent resident status. One of these lesser-known routes is the Green Card through registry provision.

It is a unique opportunity for individuals who have been present in the United States continuously for an extended period. In this article, you will learn how people can qualify for a permanent resident card through the Registry, as specified by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

Learn How To Obtain Permanent Residency Via Green Card Through Registry

Exploring The Green Card Through Registry Provision

U.S. immigration laws provide an option known as the Registry provision. This pathway acknowledges individuals who’ve been in the country for a significant period. Unlike the usual routes like family or work, the Registry provision focuses on those who’ve been here before January 1, 1972.

The Registry provision acknowledges those who have been integral to American society for a substantial duration, extending well beyond the 1972 threshold. If you have been residing in the United States since before January 1, 1972, you may be eligible to apply for a Green Card.

This provision also encompasses those who entered the U.S. through unconventional routes, bypassing typical channels for discreet pathways. It affirms the contributions of individuals who have significantly shaped the diverse tapestry of the United States through their narratives, life experiences, and lasting impact.

This provision operates impartially, embracing individuals regardless of whether they entered through a Student Visa, Work Visa, or even without a Visa. Like a hospitable committee, it welcomes those who have chosen the United States as their home, irrespective of the pathway taken to attain this residency. This distinctive aspect parallels the unsung champions of immigration, underscoring its recognition of long-standing residents who have enriched the broader American narrative.

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for a Green Card through the Registry provision, individuals must meet specific eligibility criteria set forth by the USCIS.

Continuous Residence

Applicants must have lived in the United States since before January 1, 1972, with no absences that would disrupt the continuous residence requirement. This implies that an applicant should have maintained a presence within the country for over five decades.

A Person Of Trustworthy Character

Applicants must demonstrate good moral character. It involves adhering to the laws of the United States and being free of criminal activities, fraud, and other behaviors that might impede their character assessment.


Individuals should be admitted to the United States under current immigration laws. This entails not having any disqualifying factors that might prohibit them from entering or residing in the country.

The Application Process

Obtaining permanent residency cards through the registry involves a series of steps.

Form I-485

Eligible individuals must complete and submit Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status. This form serves as the official application to adjust status to that of a lawful permanent resident.

Filing Fees

Pay the required filing fees for Form I-485. Fee waivers may be available in cases of financial hardship.

Biometrics Appointment

Upon completing the necessary application procedures, applicants will be scheduled for a biometrics appointment. This appointment involves collecting essential biometric data, including fingerprints, a photograph, and a signature. The biometrics collection process takes place at a designated USCIS Application Support Center. This step is crucial for verifying the applicant’s identity and ensuring the accuracy and security of the immigration process.


Applicants may have to attend an interview at a USCIS field office to discuss their application and answer questions about their eligibility.


In addition to submitting Form I-485, applicants must furnish a comprehensive set of documents stipulated by USCIS. These documents serve to substantiate various aspects of the application, including continuous residence and good moral character.

The documentation encompasses a range of proofs, such as records of residence history, employment records, tax filings, and any relevant certifications. It’s crucial to follow the document list from USCIS carefully. These materials are vital to show eligibility for the Green Cards via the Registry provision.


USCIS will review the application, conduct background checks, and make a decision. If approved, the applicant will receive their permanent resident card.

How A Green Card Lawyer Can Help

So, you’ve come across the Registry provision and its potential to get you a Green Card. Sounds promising, right? But let’s keep it real – the path can be twisty and uncertain. That’s where a Green Card lawyer comes in, acting like your compass, helping you navigate through the twists and turns on your journey to permanent residency.

To Determine Eligibility

The Registry provision could be your ticket, but you’ve got to know if you’re eligible. A lawyer can dive deep into your history, ensuring you meet the requirement of continuous residence since before January 1, 1972. They’re the ones who help you decode those tricky eligibility criteria and gather the necessary documents.

Handle The Paperwork

Filling out Form I-485, the Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status might sound like a breeze, but an immigration lawyer takes attention to detail to a whole new level. They make sure everything’s in order – every box checked, every line accurate, and all documents attached. With their guidance, you can dodge common mistakes that might lead to delays or rejection.

They Assist In Building Your Case

A hidden gem with a Green Card lawyer? They help you tell your tale – highlighting your continuous residence and contributions to American society. This storytelling skill comes in handy during interviews and when presenting your application to immigration authorities.

Break Down The Legal Lingo

Law jargon can be a maze, especially if you’re new to immigration rules. A registry lawyer is your translator, breaking things down in plain language. They help you wrap your head around the process’s complexities, ensuring you’re informed and empowered at every step.

Handle Any Hiccups Or Challenges

Life is unpredictable, and sometimes unexpected hurdles arise during the application process. Whether it’s a request for additional documentation or an interview that didn’t go as planned, an immigration lawyer is your troubleshooter. They guide you in tackling obstacles and sailing through unexpected situations, lowering stress and upping your chances of success.

Help You Avoid Mistakes

Applying for a Green Card through the Registry provision has its share of risks. A registry lawyer’s experience is your safety net, making sure your application is complete, accurate, and meets all legal requirements. This lowers the chances of hiccups, rejections, or misunderstandings that could jeopardize your permanent residency.

Boost The Odds

A registry lawyer knows how to showcase your strengths, achievements, and contributions, making your application stand out. They help paint a complete picture of you as a long-term resident and a potential U.S. community member.

Help You Keep Up With Changes

Immigration rules change, but an immigration attorney keeps pace. They ensure your application aligns with the latest requirements. This proactive approach avoids last-minute surprises, keeping your application on track.

Aiming for a Green Card through Registry is a big step toward a stable future in the United States, and having a Green Card lawyer by your side only boosts your chances. They’re your support system. Their guidance can transform a complex process into a doable one, ensuring you’re ready and represented through your application journey. So, if the Registry provision is your route, think of a Green Card attorney as your trusted companion on this crucial journey.

Let A Green Card Attorney Assist You

A Green Card Attorney Can Help You Obtain Permanent Residency With A Green Card Through Registry

As you go through obtaining a Green Card through Registry, remember: this isn’t a solo adventure. Immigration lawyers from Lozano Law Firm are like your navigators through the twists, breaking down those legal puzzles and ensuring you’re on the right path.

From the confusing eligibility requirements to the maze of forms, we’ve got you covered. So, step forward confidently to become a lawful permanent resident with Lozano Law Firm as your wingman. You’re not just moving ahead – you’re moving into a world of opportunities and true belonging in the United States.


The Registry provision presents an often-overlooked path to U.S. permanent residency. It is for people who entered the United States before 1972 and have lived in the country since then. This unique route recognizes their enduring presence and diverse contributions. Eligibility criteria encompass continuous residence, good moral character, and admissibility.

The application process involves submitting Form I-485, biometrics, an interview, and documentation. A Green Card Registry lawyer plays a pivotal role, guiding through complexities. Lozano Law Firm’s Green Card lawyers provide support in simplifying the journey. We ensure a seamless process of obtaining a permanent resident card through the Registry.

About Alfredo Lozano

alfredo lozano of lozano law firm inAlfredo Lozano is the founder and principal attorney at Lozano Law Firm, an immigration law firm serving the communities of San Antonio, Eagle Pass, Laredo and San Angelo in business and family-based immigration law. Mr. Lozano is a member of the State Bar of Texas, the San Antonio Bar Association, and the American Immigration Lawyers Association.

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