Nonimmigrant Visa Attorney For Trafficking & Crime Victims

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Vulnerable groups, such as victims of human trafficking and other crimes, need protection to stay in the United States. With the help of a nonimmigrant Visa attorney, they can get a T or U Visa. Possession of these Visas also allows them to apply for a permanent resident card.

Please note that eligibility for both T and U Visas is filled with technicalities. It is best to consult with an immigration lawyer to learn what these Visas entail and the possible pathway to permanent residency in the U.S.

A Green Card Attorney Is Your Key Ally If You Are Facing A Human Trafficking Case Or Have Been A Victim Of A Texas Crime

Why Hiring A Nonimmigrant Visa Attorney Is Crucial

For those unfamiliar with the intricacies of immigration law, tackling the T and U Visa process may seem formidable. Small oversights can lead to delays or denials. An experienced attorney anticipates and avoids these pitfalls, streamlining the application process.

Each T and U Visa case is unique. Attorneys collect evidence, liaise with law enforcement, and work with clients according to their circumstances.

In cases of human trafficking, trauma is profound. A seasoned attorney offers guidance, making the process less taxing for victims. They connect victims with support networks and resources.

U Visas, granted to qualifying crime victims, require law enforcement certification. However, the best option when applying for a U Visa is to consult with a U Visa attorney to improve your chances.

T Visas: For Human Trafficking Victims

Human trafficking is a grave offense, with its tentacles reaching worldwide. The United States designed the T Visa to support victims of severe forms of trafficking in persons, whether they are forced, tricked, or coerced. It aims not only to offer protection but also to bolster the efforts against modern-day slavery.

Eligibility For T Visa

To qualify, victims must be physically present in the United States,  American Samoa, or the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Those who are at the port of entry due to sex trafficking and labor trafficking are also eligible for a T Visa. In addition, victims must collaborate with law enforcement in the investigation or prosecution of human trafficking unless under specific exemptions.

The benefits of a T Visa are vast: it provides a four-year stay, work authorization, and a potential path to becoming a lawful permanent resident.

Pathway To Green Card For T Visa Holders

Eligibility for individuals with T nonimmigrant status requires a minimum of three years’ physical presence in the United States since Visa issuance. USCIS will determine if trafficking victims are eligible after investigation or prosecution. Trafficking victims also demonstrate good moral character and comply with any reasonable request for assistance in the investigation or prosecution of acts of trafficking.

It is also crucial to prove that their departure from the U.S. would result in extreme hardship. This considers their circumstances, the potential danger in their home country, and other factors that might affect their well-being.

U Visas: For Victims Of Certain Crimes

The United States Government conceived the U Visa to protect victims of certain crimes who have undergone substantial mental or physical harm. It covers a broad spectrum of offenses—from domestic violence and sexual assault to more uncommon crimes like hostage situations or involuntary servitude.

Eligibility For U Visa

To be eligible, victims should be physically present in the United States and help law enforcement investigate or prosecute the crime. This collaboration can be through providing information, assisting in the capture of perpetrators, or even testifying in court. U Visa holders gain legal nonimmigrant status for four years and can apply for a Green Card after three years through their Visa.

Having a T Visa or U Visa is a significant step, but transitioning to a Green Card is often the ultimate goal for many. The following is a breakdown of the eligibility criteria for these Visa holders to get a permanent resident card.

Pathway To Permanent Residency For U Visa Holders

For U Visa recipients, the eligibility hinges on a few factors. They must have held their U Visa status for at least three years before applying for a Green Card. Additionally, during that period, they should have maintained a continuous physical presence in the U.S.

Cooperation with law enforcement is also essential. U Visa holders must provide certification from a relevant authority indicating their help in detecting, investigating, or prosecuting the criminal activity that made them eligible for the Visa.

The shift from T and U nonimmigrant status to being a permanent resident isn’t just about ticking boxes. It is also about proving a continued commitment to safety, cooperation, and building a new life in the United States.

The Benefits Of Receiving A Green Card

Individuals with a permanent resident card have plenty of benefits to reap. Considering that they can stay in the United States indefinitely, they can enjoy certain rights and benefits.

Permanent Residency

Green Card holders have the legal right to live and work in the United States indefinitely, providing long-term stability and security. With a permanent residency, they can rebuild their lives for the better.

Employment Flexibility

They can work for any employer in the United States and are not restricted to specific job types or locations. This offers greater career opportunities and helps them build a more stable life.

Freedom To Travel

Green Card holders can travel in and out of the United States without additional Visas but require travel authorization. International travel can be more convenient and unconstrained for them.

Access To Social Services

They can access certain social services and benefits. These include Social Security, Medicare, and state-sponsored healthcare and education programs. All these social services serve to better themselves while in the country.

Path To U.S. Citizenship

After meeting residency requirements, typically five years, Green Card holders can apply for U.S. citizenship. Becoming a naturalized American gives the right to vote and access to additional privileges and protections.

These benefits give permanent resident card recipients a strong foundation for building their lives and futures in the United States. After suffering setbacks, they will finally have their lives back on track.

Importance Of Continuous Support From A Visa Attorney

The journey toward healing and stability in a new country is not a solitary endeavor. While T and U Visas provide legal avenues to remain in the United States, continuous support from various individuals, organizations, and community resources is important. These make the process more humane and achievable.

T and U Visa holders often carry the weight of traumatic experiences. The initial legal statuses are monumental steps, but it’s the everyday support that bolsters their resilience. Community centers, NGOs, and dedicated counseling services play a pivotal role here. These organizations provide emotional and psychological aid to help survivors process their traumas and offer essential life skills training. This support equips individuals to rebuild their lives brick by brick.

Integration into a new way of life can also be overwhelming. Every aspect can pose a challenge, from understanding the local norms to simply figuring out daily tasks. Local community groups and integration programs offer mentorship, language classes, and cultural orientation. These initiatives help survivors become active members of their new communities.

The journey from a T or U Visa to a Green Card involves more than legal processes. It’s about creating a stable environment where survivors can thrive. Stable housing, access to education and employment opportunities, and medical care are essential. Many non-profits and state-funded programs focus on these aspects, ensuring Visa holders have the resources to settle and flourish.

During your initial consultation, your U Visa attorney or T Visa lawyer will be more than just your guide. They can also provide the necessary help so you can get this much-needed support. With your attorney’s assistance, integration into American society will be more manageable.

Lozano Law Firm Navigates Immigration Complexities

Know How To Receive A Green Card Through A U Visa

Navigating the complexities of T Visas and U Visas becomes significantly smoother with legal guidance. Lozano Law Firm provides dedicated support to trafficking and crime victims seeking safety and stability in the United States.

Our team of experienced nonimmigrant Visa lawyers understands the nuances of these processes, ensuring that they take every step with precision and care. We are committed to helping victims overcome legal challenges, secure their rights, and build a better future in the United States.


Victims of human trafficking and specific crimes can apply for T or U Visas to remain in the U.S. A nonimmigrant Visa attorney is crucial for navigating this complex process, assisting with evidence collection, and liaising with law enforcement.

T Visa holders must stay in the U.S. for three years and assist in trafficking investigations. U Visa holders must help in crime investigations for the same duration. Both Visas grant work authorization and a potential path to permanent residency. 

Green Card holders gain employment flexibility, travel freedom, and access to social services. An attorney ensures all requirements are met, aiding in the transition to a more stable, secure life in the U.S.

About Alfredo Lozano

alfredo lozano of lozano law firm inAlfredo Lozano is the founder and principal attorney at Lozano Law Firm, an immigration law firm serving the communities of San Antonio, Eagle Pass, Laredo and San Angelo in business and family-based immigration law. Mr. Lozano is a member of the State Bar of Texas, the San Antonio Bar Association, and the American Immigration Lawyers Association.

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